
Through the Joy Project, I have experienced two different types of bridge-building: the actual building of bridges (and boardwalks) and the experience of building friendships and alliances with people unknown to me prior to starting this project. It's amazing how much these two activities have in common.


Both of these types of bridge-building require collaboration, communication, and a willingness to work together towards a common goal. In the case of physical bridge-building, this might involve planning, designing, and constructing a structure that can span a gap or connect two areas. In the case of social bridge-building, it might involve reaching out to new people, finding common ground, and working towards shared objectives.

In both cases, there can be challenges to overcome, such as logistical hurdles or differences in opinion. However, by focusing on shared goals and finding ways to work together, bridges can be built that create new connections and opportunities.


By building physical and social bridges, we can create stronger, more resilient communities that are better equipped to face the challenges of the future.